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Vacant Land Investment Benefits  

Purchasing land is a sound investment real estate strategy available today and is a viable opportunity for both large and small real estate buyers.  There are several ways to accomplish this.  One can purchase land outright -and be the sole owner or some companies offer Tenants in Common (TIC) ownership of both undeveloped and developed properties.

Some of possible benefits that can be obtained with Tenants-in-Common (TIC) and sole ownership in undeveloped land include:


·    A chance to own land for smaller investment amounts

·    Significant appreciation potential

·    Opportunity for better overall yield

·    Ground floor opportunity

·    Portfolio diversification; alternative to growth stocks

·    Simple management –low maintenance

·    Pride of ownership in a tangible asset

  Search for Vacant Lots/Land










Many companies offer the opportunity to diversify and invest in institutional grade properties through a TIC arrangement.  These purchases can even be combined with a 1031.  They offer in some cases an opportunity to increase cash flow as an investor would receive a monthly rent check based on the percentage of the property owned.  In addition, the property management headaches are taken of, because these companies manage your assets.  Be sure to check out the Texas Land Market for great statistics on land prices in the area - under the Market Data section of my website!!!  If you or someone you know would like more information on investing in real estate please contact me.